Employees must understand what is expected of them in terms of behaviour standards and performance when policies are well established.

HR policies provides rules for decision-making in common circumstances so that staff members and supervisors won’t need to constantly seek advice from senior management.

A sound HR strategy contributes to the appearance of good faith about the fair and equal treatment of employees.

Our team of professional lawyers will work with you to create HR policies and practices that meet your management needs and are in compliance with all applicable  laws concerning employment. Your protection from lawsuits is ensured by adherence to the employment rules and regulations.

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For our clients, we shall create a thorough HR Policies and Procedures Manual that includes all relevant legal requirements as well as information specific to your sector and its operations such as:

a) Equal Opportunity Policy

Equal Opportunity Policy is based on principle that each person has equal opportunity to peruse a job which is based on ones skills, capabilities and merit. And not discriminate on basis of gender, caste, religion, disability etc. The policy may also includes guidelines on what their idea to equality looks like in practice and the process to be followed for issues regarding discrimination, harassment, and related conflicts.

b) Environment, Health and Safety

An employer’s general approach to health and safety is outlined in health and safety policy. It details the way in which the employer will oversee health and safety in your workplace. It must express precisely who, when, and how to complete each task.

c) Employee code of conduct policy

Employee code of conduct determines how employees should or should not behave during working hours, This employee code of conduct will deal with wide range of things like discrimination, dress code, use of internet.

d) Attendance, vacation and time-off policy

Attendance policy usually contains regulations pertaining to absenteeism, such as the number of authorised leaves, including sick, casual, vacation, and other sorts of leaves approved by the employer. It also specifies the start and finish times of breaks, the number of hours of work that must be completed each day, and other information.

e) Employee disciplinary action policy

An employee when hired is anticipated that he\she will perform at a specific level and abide by all company rules and regulations. Employee disciplinary actions are remedial measures a business takes when an employee doesn't perform up to expectations or behaves badly.

f) Employee complaint policy

Employee compliant policy outlines the proper procedure for any employee to follow when making a complaint about their job, co-workers, or management, or about a disagreement or any other workplace-related issue, such as unfavourable working conditions. Every business has a grievance procedure in place that guides staff in following the correct procedures and resolving their issues.

g) Ethics policy

The execution of laws pertaining to things like social responsibility and fiduciary duties is correlated with ethics policy. An ethics policy, also referred to as a code of ethics, describes how you anticipate employees to act while on the job. Additionally, it can make your company more desirable to work for than competing ones.

h) Workplace security policy

A secure organisation must have a workplace security strategy in place. Any business, industry, or size of organisation can and will gain from having a strong, concise security strategy in place. This strategy should specify the security objectives of your business, taking into account both internal and external risks. If it is followed, it can prevent a great deal of security-related problems. Basic standards, rules, and definitions that are standardised throughout the entire organisation will be outlined in an effective policy.

i) Remote work policy

A remote work policy is a set of guidelines that specify what is expected of the company and the employees when work is done remotely. A remote work policy serves two purposes: One benefit is that it shields both the business and the employees from potential legal risks associated with remote labour. Two, it clarifies the "how" of remote work within the organisation in a transparent and equitable manner so that workers are aware of their rights.

j) Sexual harassment in workplace policy

An official statement that forbids sexual harassment at work is known as a sexual harassment policy. It outlines illegal sexual conduct in the workplace, defines it, and includes instructions on how to file a complaint. According to the provisions of “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013” having sexual harassment policy is compulsory. If the employer does not comply with the law then fine of Rs.50,000/- can be imposed. On repeated non-compliance of the law employer can be penalized with twice the punishment. Non-compliance can also lead to cancellation of licence, withdrawal or non-renewal of registration for carrying on business, by the Government.

k) Maternity and paternity leaves policy

Employees are entitled to protected time off during maternity and paternity leaves in order to care for their newborn or recently adopted child. The Maternity Benefit Act of 1961 primarily regulates an expectant employment for a specific amount of time before and after childbirth.The act outlines and acknowledges the fundamental advantages that an employer should provide to a worker who is pregnant.

l) Termination policy

When an employee can be fired, how it should be done, and what the repercussions are are all outlined in a document known as an employee termination policy.


We firmly think that the greatest approach for attracting in, preserving , and developing top talent from around the world and guaranteeing good company success is by establishing a safe and secure work environment that is free of harassment and discrimination and allows equal opportunity to all of its employees.

According to the provisions of “The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013” having POSH policy is compulsory.

If the employer does not comply with the law then fine of Rs.50,000/- can be imposed. On repeated non-compliance of the law employer can be penalized with twice the punishment. Non-compliance can also lead to cancellation of licence, withdrawal or non-renewal of registration for carrying on business, by the Government.

BeIN Legal LLP’s (POSH) compliance Advisory services can help any organisation to create a safe and secure working environment.

Our service is mainly focused on working with all legal compliance related to preventing sexual harassment in the workplace, including reporting, sexual harassment training for internal committee members and employees, policy creation/updating to make it relevant to the new normal, as well as addressing diversity and inclusivity by making the policy gender neutral.


An organisation’s general approach to health and safety is outlined in health and safety policy. It details the way in which the employer will oversee health and safety in your workplace. It must express precisely who, when, and how to complete each task.

We at BeIN Legal LLP help you with drafting your organisation’s health and safety policy. Our team is committed to provide you with such policies which will uphold high standards for health, safety, and the environment at work for all of our employees, contractors, clients, and other stakeholders.


In terms of privacy law, a privacy policy is a declaration or legal document that details some or all of the ways a party collects, utilises, publishes, and manages a customer’s or client’s data.

The Hon’ble Supreme Court of India declared the “right to privacy” a basic right in its landmark decision in the matter of Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Anr. v. Union of India and Ors.1 (the “Right to Privacy Case”) on August 24, 2017. Following this incident, a stronger legal framework was deemed necessary to safeguard people’s personal information and privacy. The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, which is largely based on the framework and principles of the General Data Protection Regulation, was developed on the basis of this momentous decision. Our team of professional lawyers will help you to create a privacy policy that is suitable for your website or app. We create privacy policy which is best suitable to the interest our clients.


Laws controlling industrial companies are referred to as industrial law. These can cover a wide range of legal subjects, including contracts, industrial relations, contracts, employment legislation, and worker safety requirements. Every industry is different, and each one’s policies are different catering to the needs of the business it belongs to. Like any other business in any sector, the industrial sector has a wide range of additional legal concerns.


A product packaging must adhere to all applicable legal requirements and regulatory guidelines. The laws and rules governing packaging design may differ depending on the nations, states, and regions in which the product is produced, packaged, transported, and marketed, as well as from and into which it is exported or imported.

While packaging a product one should be concerned about a number of legal problems, including product labelling, which includes ingredients, nutritional information, product claims, and barcodes; particular structural and material compliance; and brand logo and/or trademark registration.

Our experienced team of lawyers will guide you about the packaging structure of your product and what all it should include in order to adhere to the legal rules and regulations taking into consideration various laws such as Legal Metrology Act, 2009 etc.


Our team have expertise in constructing policies for websites and mobile applications to protect the interest of the business person. There are 3 kind of policies which is mandatory to showcase on the website, to protect the interest of the website owner as well as the website visitors. These policies play a major role to make understand the visitors the website owner’s approach and scope of business. Moreover, in case of any dispute these policies forms a base to resolve any misunderstanding and dispute. Most important policies such as Privacy Policy, Cookies Policies, Terms and Conditions must be inculcated on the website.


The Privacy Policy is a document informing the users about the use, process, and disclosure of their personal information collected through a Website or Mobile Application. This Privacy Policy can be used for either Website or Mobile Applications. It is mandatory for every Website/Application in India that collects and processes personal information to have a Privacy Policy. While the Terms and Conditions contain all the minute details of the website and restrictions imposed on users. Various other policies such as-


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